Sunday, September 24, 2006
"Me And The Girls" added a sexy touch to entertainment at Jersey City's Gay Pride Fair held at Exchange Place in Jersey City on August 26,2006.
Tuesday, September 12, 2006
NYC LOSES JONNY GOLDSTEIN ! Greates Loss Since 9/11/2001 !
On the fifth anniversary of 9/11, NYC discovered it had suffered another devastating loss! Jonny Goldstein, famous comedian and legendary vlogger, invited friends to a dank bar near Times Square for his going-away party. He was leaving NYC to join his wife in Washington, DC for unlimited marital bliss. Married folks who live together stay together. Jonny was setting an example for the few friends he had at this going-away party.
Saturday, September 09, 2006
TV ads rarely amuse me. However, Apple's series of ads making fun of Microsoft are genuinely clever. Friends enthusiastically say, "Did you see the one where...?" So, to make life easy for Mac fanatics eager to torture PC victims, I thought it would be entertaining to to gather all the funny stuff and put it where you could view it & share it and/or love and hate it! These are on the Apple home page. It would be fun for those who are into "remixing stuff" or doing parodies to play around with this material. Leave a rating and a comment!
Friday, September 01, 2006
WENDEL'S TRANS FASHIONS: A New Look for Tomorrow???
Wendel is an eccentric who has haunted Washington Square Park in NYC's Greenwich Village for nearly a decade. He is one of an assortment of musicians and entertainers who perform and solicit donations from passers-by. I asked him a few questions late one August afternoon and found him to be much more lucid than I expected. It was also refreshing to meet a "designer" who was more interested in creating clothing which pleased him than in selling it. I understand he sometimes "models" (like he does here) with an umbrella missing it's covering fabric and decorated with pieces of aluminum foil in a design similar to the hat he is wearing here. Now, on a bright sunny day, that might really be something to see.