Watch the video"Out-takes" are usually discarded footage. However, "out-takes" really give a behind-the-scenes peek at any event. The "meat" of Podcamps NYC's social will be posted later as a "historical record"--the fabulous 'welcoming speech', tributes to sponsors & a stunning 5-minute presentation about how to develop "the perfect 15-second pitch" for your podcast, blog or vlog. Tonight, I'm choosing to post "out-takes" as my final vlog for Videoblogging Week 2007. I have to go to bed early to be at the New Yorker Hotel tomorrow at 8:00 AM so I can help capture & share a smal part of the knowledge & wisdom being so generously shared by those involved in alternate media. PodCamp in NYC or anywhere else is an inspiring experience. Enjoy...and join!
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